Monday 7 March 2011

March? Really?!

Am I the only one who feels like I am in a time warp? I was certain that it was just Christmas vacation, but somehow March is already upon us. Although I am definitely not complaining, because March seems to have brought with it greener grass, blossoming flowers, and blooming buds, all overnight! I also noticed this morning that it is now light when I wake up in the morning, and even after a nice walk on the way home from work, it is still daylight when I return home.  These are all very welcome!
The first week back after break was very slow. I did not get much work at all, just one half day on top of my regular 2 days of work. Not great, but not too surprising. Most teachers probably wanted to get into their classrooms to get things set up and organised, and meetings had not yet been planned. This week I am already booked for 4 days and will be on call the fifth day, so this jives much better with my plans to make lots of money so I can see lots of things!
I have now finished the planning of 2 April trips.  My cousin, Devon, is coming for our 2 week term break, "spring break" if you will, mid-April.  We will be going to Amsterdam for 3 nights the first week, and to Edinburgh for 2 nights the second week.  I have booked flights, trains, hostels and we even booked a trip to see Loch Ness (and hopefully Nessie too!). So now this is where the make money kicks in so that I can hopefully afford to eat on these trips, as well as for the month of May. There are so many holidays in April that there are only actually 11 possible working days, hoping that I get booked every day possible... It goes without saying that this is rather nerve-racking.  Just makes me glad that I had Mom bring me a few boxes of Kraft Dinner, in case worse comes to worse.
I have also been planning some weekend get-aways, just to be sure that I am making the most of my final 6 months abroad and seeing all that I can.  This weekend we are planning to go see the White Cliffs of Dover. This is on the East Coast of England. The cliffs are actually composed of chalk which is what makes them white. They've been featured in several movies (Robin Hood!) and it doesn't take too long to get there from London so we figured we would check it out and spend a day in Dover.
In a couple of weeks we are doing a guided bus tour to Wales.  This is a day trip that will take us to Cardiff. We get to tour around Cardiff and also the Caerphilly Castle, one of the largest fortresses in Europe. Of course, on the drive we will get to see a bit of the countryside too which is always nice after spending most of our time in the city.
Always busy and always spending as much money as I can :) But it is always worth it.

Almost forgot to mention that on Sunday, Josephine, Christine and I had free tickets to go see The Lord of the Dance 3D. Sounds crazy/cheesy... try amazing!! Was basically like having great seats at the actual show! It was a great show, and I can only imagine what it would be like to see them perform live. Unbelievably talented people!

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