Wednesday 30 March 2011

The Bikram Experience

Cash is tight as I seem to be booking and paying for a trip every week now.  Just booked a trip to Prague for the long weekend coming up.  We get a bank holiday the first Monday of May here (there are only a couple bank holidays a year over here, not what feels like one a month back home!). This weekend was further extended because they actually created another bank holiday for - you guessed it- the Royal Wedding! Thanks Will... Not good for the 'bank' (I'm so funny), but good for another weekend get away.
That being said, even when saving pennies, a girl can't resist a bargain! I was browsing through the Wimbledon Leisure magazine and came across an ad for a Bikram yoga studio in Wimbledon. This is what is often called hot yoga. The intro offer was 10 consecutive days for 15 quid! Good deal, especially when I looked up the studio online and it costs 14 for a single drop in. So yesterday I got on my blackest workout gear and tried my hand at it. 
I was sure glad that I have been doing some yoga classes recently at my gym, this definitely helped. But man is it hot in there! Let's just say that we were still on the breathing exercises and I had sweat dripping from my elbows. By the time the class was over, the instructor - who wasn't even doing the poses, but just saying that we should do - was dripping, shorts soaked and everything. Everyone looked like they had just run a marathon in Mexico in July.  Basically, the class involves a series of yoga poses held for a short time with recovery between each one. You do two sets of each pose then move on to the next pose.  Just the exertion from holding the pose for 30-45 seconds in that heat gets your heart pumping, so you do a little recovery after each one, probably to avoid having most of the class pass out.
But I survived day one and plan to go back for more punishment tonight.  We will see how I feel after 10 days, if I can hack it that long.

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