Monday 21 March 2011

Whisper Words of Wisdom, Let it Be

Another great week full of work and thus moolah! This weekend Christine and Josephine had cousins come visit from home. They arrived late Friday night and Saturday we took them into the city to see some highlights. Walked past Buckingham Palace, through Hyde Park, and took a trip up to Abbey Road.  I hadn't been there yet and it was pretty funny. It is a random cross walk in the middle of nowhere with a dozen or so tourists standing around, running across, standing in the middle and taking photos as cars and buses wait in annoyance. Eventually they honk and start driving at those who are taking too long to 'cross' this infamous zebra crossing (as they are called here). Down the road a little bit is the recording studio, again a tiny building barely even noticeable.

Saturday evening, we had all our teacher friends, mostly Canadian and an Aussie, gather together in Wimbbledon and then we headed to a pub for some dancing. It was a fun night!

Sunday, we dragged ourselves out of bed (some earlier than others, I had done 2 loads of laundry and gone for a run before some people were dressed!) and we went back in to the city for more sightseeing. This time highlights were the Eye, Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, Picadilly Circus, and of course a good old English pub lunch! Deeeelicious.

Friday at work I had gotten a text from my agency asking if I was good to teach Spanish on Monday because they had a day of secondary for me. I replied, sure I've done it before. Then I got the phone call "So, how fluent is your Spanish?" ... "Well, it isn't. But Spanish is close enough to French that when the kids are doing worksheets etc. I can figure out what it is asking them"... "Ok, we will get back to you, but right now you are our best bet". So I was booked in. When I looked up the school online, not only is it in Chelsea - mega fancy - but it is also called a language college. Oh dear, they are going to find me out fast!!  Needless to say, I laid awake early this morning a little nervous.  I got off the tube and strolled past Tiffany's, and other high end stores trying to find this school.  Turns out the rich kids aren't much different than any other kids in this country. They weren't outright rude and no one swore at me, but they still didn't listen to a word I said nor did they do any work... ah well, another day another dollar.  This week is shaping up quite nice work-wise, already have something booked every day. Next weekend it is off to Wales!

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