Tuesday 28 December 2010

Swiss Chalet

Just returned to Geneva after spending the past few days in St-Luc in the Swiss Alps.
Christmas Eve:
Delphine in new chef`s outfit
David, his brother Pascal and I left for the Alps. It is about a 2 hour drive from their house in Geneva, which for them is a huge trek apparently. Most people would not even consider doing this as a day trip. We arrived late afternoon and it was quite foggy. Christmas is celebrated on the 24th for the most part so once the whole family had arrived we sat down to a huge Christmas dinner of Chinese fondue! This was about a 2 hour operation of eating and chatting. We had fois gras as an appetizer, my first experience... interesting.
Then came out the big pots for the bouillion to do our meat fondue. We had salads and dips and 2 different meats to cook: beef and horse!  Another first for me... Not bad, but I stuck mostly to the beef.
David, me & Pascal
After dinner it was about 10pm, time to open presents!! It was really cute watching David`s niece Delphine tear through her presents. Everyone opened at the same time, it was a lot of fun. Then Delphine went to bed, she was told she could play with all of her new toys in the morning, and we sat down for the next round - dessert! Once we could all barely move and it was quite late we packed it in for the night.

Christmas Day:
Me & Pascal at Saturn
Everyone slowly got out of bed. It was another foggy day so we couldn`t really see the famous view of the Alps. We took the little train up the hill in the afternoon and went for a nice walk along the path of the planets. There are sort of statues of each planet in miniature but all to scale relative each other in terms of size and distance apart. So the whole walk from the sun to the last planet is about 10km, we walked to Saturn then turned back. Another big family dinner =)

Boxing Day:
Snowboarding the Alps!!!!!
The sun came out, the fog lifted,  and the view was breath-taking!! This was our day to snowboard the Alps!!! It was amazing skiing- no crowds, nice big runs and indescribable view. After a few hours I was getting blisters from my borrowed boots and was starting to feel guilty knowing that they are all used to the view and wanted to ski and I was surely slowing them down wanting to take in the view and take some pictures too, so I made my way back to the chalet and went for a nice walk with David`s mom. That evening Pascal and his friend Vanessa, David and I went for a real Swiss fondue, CHEESE! It was fabulous to say the least.

View of the Matterhorn from the slopes

Train up to the ski lifts

View from where we ate lunch!

The 27th was another beautiful day, we walked around the village a bit then drove down to another little village and walked around there for a bit. Trying to walk off at least some of the Swiss cheese, chocolate, bread....A nice family dinner and movie was how we spent our last night in the Alps.  This morning we made our way down after breakfast back to Geneva. Tonight we head to David`s sister and brother-in-law`s place in France to make crèpes!! YUM!

View of Matterhorn from the village
"Swiss Chalet"

Me & David Swiss (just David in Switzerland?)

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